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Leather Goods Factory of Spain
Manufacturer of Leather Goods and Wallets Ubrique, Piel& Mer, Trademarks

26 de Febrero, 2015 · Articulos de piel

Si creíste que tu bolso de Prada o tu cartera de Adolfo Domínguez se fabricaron en China o en países del tercer mundo estás muy equivocado, ya que su origen está más cerca de lo que piensas. Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Carolina Herrera, Montblanc, Balmain, Nina Ricci, Christian Dior o Cartier son solo algunas de las grandes firmas de lujo que se fabrican en Ubrique, una pequeña localidad de la sierra de Cádiz.
A pesar del contrato de confidencialidad que... Continuar leyendo
publicado por pielmer a las 16:20 · 4 Comentarios  ·  Recomendar
21 de Febrero, 2015 · Bolsos de piel
La fabricación artesanal y “Hecho en España” son las principales características de PIEL&MER junto a su especial diseño. Todas nuestras materias primas son de altísima calidad. Los herrajes, adornos y piedras semipreciosas son diseñados exclusivamente para nuestra firma consiguiendo así la originalidad en nuestros productos.
PIEL&MER tiene especial interés por crear auténticas piezas de lujo a través del artesanado más exquisito. Los prototipos de nuestros... Continuar leyendo
publicado por pielmer a las 09:49 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
16 de Febrero, 2015 · Leather Goods Factory

Our leather goods craftsmen manufacture bags, leather goods, wallets, document holders and all types of small leather goods. We have inherited the skills and "savoir-faire" of the Andalusia town of Ubrique. All our products and completely made in Spain (Europe) following the traditional techniques and prestige of Made in Europe leather goods.

We commit to continuous improvement by refining and perfect our manufacturing techniques, procedures and quality controls in order to... Continuar leyendo
publicado por pielmer a las 13:32 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
13 de Febrero, 2015 · Articulos de piel
Nuestro cometido consiste en convertir en realidad las ideas que surgen de la imaginación de los diseñadores y creativos. Nuestro equipo comenzará su futuro proyecto a medida partiendo de una idea o boceto, los maestros y técnicos de Piel&Mer analizan la viabilidad del prototipo, atendiendo a los materiales que deben utilizarse, la mejor técnica a emplear y la fabricación de los patrones adecuados.

Una vez aprobados los prototipos, programamos la producción de las colecciones, de... Continuar leyendo
publicado por pielmer a las 16:06 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
16 de Abril, 2014 · Leather Goods Factory

Founded in 2004, Piel&Mer  is a spanish company dedicated to offer their services for the handmade manufacture of luxury leather goods. Since their beginning and over the last 10 years, Piel&Mer has grown to currently become one of the best luxury leather goods factories, working for the most popular brands in the World.
In Piel&Mer we work day after day to attend and fulfill client's needs, making and adapting products to the designs and qualities... Continuar leyendo
publicado por pielmer a las 11:30 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
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PIEL&MER (Trade Mark) is a Leather Goods Company, 100% UBRIQUE, manufacture Leather Handbags, Wallets, Diaries, Key rings, cigarette cases, Wallets, Business Gifts, we have a long career, our articles are distinguished from the rest by their value for money, we have a wide range of collections, we have sales agents in all communities including Spanish Canary Islands. We manufacture to internationa

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» Bull leather bags and cloth cloak
» Fabricado en Ubrique , garantia de calidad
» Fashion Handbags leather Ubrique
» Fashion portfolios Ubrique Spain
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» Las nuevas tendencias de moda en bolsos de piel
» Los bolsos de Letizia marcan tendencia de moda
» Rustica Collection Leather Wallets
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» Fabricado en Ubrique , garantia de calidad
4 Comentarios: Videos XXX, Vallejos, vallejos, [...]
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» Bolsos bandolera en piel
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.Al margen
Leather Goods Leather
PIEL&MER (Trade Mark) is a Leather Goods Company, 100% UBRIQUE, manufacture Leather Handbags, Wallets, Diaries, Key rings, cigarette cases, Wallets, Business Gifts, we have a long career, our articles are distinguished from the rest by their value for money, we have a wide range of collections, we have sales agents in all communities including Spanish Canary Islands. We manufacture to international firms, if you are designer clothing and leather accessories you want to add feel free to contact us, we manufacture exclusive items.
CONTACT PHONE + 34 956 4541 37
CONTACT MOBILE + 34 669 8952 93

We are dedicated to the manufacture of leather goods, located in Ubrique (birthplace of the leather article), province of Cadiz, formed by a great team, that we consider most valuable asset, with great tradition in the production of leather goods . 25 years of experience in leather goods sector support us and ensure excellent quality.
At present we are engaged in manufacturing all kinds of leather goods,. For these productions we have highly skilled workers.
Our work is based on exclusive models and designs of our customers, with whom we work closely together, offering highly competitive and innovative solutions.
Targeting Piel&Mer , is the marketing and sale of leather goods design and manufacturing yields of our customers. In this way, we work with them and we strive for the best value for money.
This is why we consider the experience and knowledge as the main pillars for achieving the objectives of our clients.
Become a client of Piel&Mer y discover all the advantages of joining a company with a great professional team with extensive experience in the sector of leather goods.
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